Thursday, July 9, 2009

bombay bad-boy cup o' noodles tastes like....

...misbehaving indian children.


I have been here for 5 days. I dare say that it has been a more successful venture thus far than my trip to Guatemala. I suspect that it is because here, I am occupied. Occupied people tend to be happy people. This is why retirees take up golf. When I retire, I'ma take up life as an escort.

Being here makes me more and more anxious to give up life as a graduative estudiante. My peers are asylum officers in Australia, Junior Program Officers for the UN High Council on Refugees in Tanzania, and work in the International Office of Refugees in Sri Lanka. Most of them are older than me. That doesn't mean that I won't end up an office/classroom slave forever if I don't do something soon. Law school could be considered another brief preparatory trip, but I can't put off fighting for/in the world too much longer.

Enough about that.

I ate steak and ale pie at a real life pub. British beer is flat and gross.

There are Cadbury vending machines all over the place. CADBURY VENDING MACHINES.

I got to shake the hand of Larry Cox, the U.S. director of Amnesty International. High School Kevin would be proud.

I drink more tea than coffee. Cause the coffee here is gross. I may carry the switch back to GA.

Took baths, because I thought that British people didn't take showers, cause I'm stupid. Eventually, I walked downt he stairs and lo! it was a shower.

Thought about all of you. Most of whom I wish I was here with because we'd make more of the UK than I'm making at the moment.

castles, castles everywhere!
-kev o' tea

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